I’m Back… and a shout out about customer service

August 24, 2009

Long time no talk to my small but loyal group of readers 🙂
I am back and hopefully going to be making more of an effort to keep my blog updated – this time though, most posts will be shorter and more to the point (but for those who know me, know I’m a bit wordy at times too).

But today, I want to shout out about GOOD customer service. I know, so RARE these days, but it does exist at places besides Axis Technical Group.

Last night I had some business to do with GoDaddy.com and spent about $100…. Not exactly the kind of sale that gets corporate America happy these days. So imagine my surprise when a guy named “Robert” called me this afternoon just to thank me for my business, and see if I had any questions. Of course there was the obligatory sales question about other services, but when I told him I didn’t need it, he remained friendly and on point about making sure our GoDaddy experience was a good one.

If only other companies, large and small, were more like GoDaddy or my company, Axis Technical Group, the world would be a much happier place.

Ahhh it feels good to be back – more to come in the days ahead so stay tuned.

Got something to say to me? russellwolf.blog@gmail.com